Line | |
1 | ****************************************************************
2 | ****************************************************************
3 | (main)player.asm
4 |
5 | ORG $9000
6 |
8 |
9 | ORCC #$50
10 | LDA #$FB
11 | ANDA $E7CF
12 | STA $E7CF
13 | LDA #$3F
14 | STA $E7CD
15 | LDA #$04
16 | ORA $E7CF
17 | STA $E7CF
18 | LDX #$A000
19 | STX pos_song
20 | BRA loop
21 |
23 | RTS
24 |
25 | fine fcb 0
26 | pos_song fcb $A0,$00
27 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
31 | ****************************************************************
32 | *
33 | *
34 | * bank 5
35 | * read pattern info
36 | * switch to bank
37 | * read pattern data
38 | * output to DAC
39 | * advance in pattern
40 | * if necessary, advance in song
41 | * try to be less than 64, fixed timing
42 | *
43 | ****************************************************************
44 |
45 | loop
46 | LDB #05
47 | STB $E7E5
48 | LDX pos_song
49 | LDB ,x+
50 | LDA ,x+
51 | TFR x,y
52 | * switch to pattern bank
53 | STB $E7E5
54 | CLRB
55 | ADDA #$A0
56 | TFR D,X
57 | LDB fine
58 | ABX
59 | LDA ,x
60 | STA $E7CD
61 | INCB
62 | CMPB #160
63 | BEQ end_chunk
64 | STB fine
65 | BRA wait1
66 | wait1 BRA wait2
67 | wait2 BRA end
68 | end_chunk
69 | CLR fine
70 | STY pos_song
71 |
72 | end
73 | * 85 cycles for now ... wait 43
74 | MUL
75 | MUL
76 | MUL
77 | NOP
78 | NOP
79 | BRA pre_end
80 | pre_end BRA loop
81 |
82 |
83 |
84 | ****************************************************************
85 | *
86 | * Attente de la VBL
87 | *
88 | ****************************************************************
89 | VSYNC
90 | VSYNC_1
91 | TST $E7E7
92 | BPL VSYNC_1
93 | VSYNC_2
94 | TST $E7E7
95 | BMI VSYNC_2
96 |
97 | RTS
98 |
99 |
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